Joint Faculty Appointments at the UIC Institute for Environmental Science and Policy

The UIC Institute for Environmental Science and Policy (IESP) seeks to appoint up to three research scholars beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year. Appointments typically run for 1 to 3 years during which time the Institute provides salary support sufficient for a one course per year buyout. Tenured, tenure track, research, and clinical faculty are eligible to apply. IESP does not support sabbatical leaves or leaves of absence. Applications are due by March 31, 2023.
The application package should include three items as follows:
- Full form curriculum vita.
- A prospectus describing research themes you would like to pursue for the period of appointment, the societal problem that is being investigated, likely funding sources, and potential collaborators at UIC and elsewhere. The prospectus should also address how your appointment in IESP will lead to new cross-department or cross-college research clusters, forming the basis for large transformative research initiatives. This should be written in such a way that it can be understood by peers who are not necessarily expert in your areas of expertise. The prospectus should be no longer than 3 pages.
- A letter of support from your department chair or director that releases you from teaching one course per year or its equivalent for the duration of your IESP appointment.
Applicants are advised of the vision statement of IESP: The Institute for Environmental Science and Policy (IESP) envisions an Academy in which, to the extent possible, the constraints imposed by disciplinary perspectives are eased, their strengths enriched, and an environment is created in which interdisciplinary communities of scholars can form and grow. This vision is based on the understanding that exciting thinking often lies at the borders of academic disciplines, and recognizes that university citizenship, in all its complexity, need not be limited by artificially perceived distinctions. In the environmental sphere the challenge of solving increasingly complex and global problems has never been greater than at present. Addressing such challenges requires the interdisciplinary thinking that IESP envisions.
Inquiries about the appointment should be addressed to the Director of IESP ( Applications should be submitted as one pdf file to Tasneem Chowdhury ( no later than March 31, 2023.
All applications will be evaluated by a panel of external experts assembled by the IESP Director. The announcement of scholars is anticipated by May 15, 2023.