External Advisory Board
External Advisory Board Heading link

The purpose of the External Advisory Board (EAB) of the Institute is to provide guidance on the relationship of IESP and its programs to current trends and opportunities in research, the regulatory environment, and new models of environmental management outside of the University. Its members suggest new directions for IESP, offer commentary on existing programs and results of ongoing research at UIC, and assist in mobilizing resources for underwriting IESP initiatives.
The membership of the EAB is drawn from knowledgeable experts from industry, government (both federal and local), non-profit agencies, and academia. Members are appointed for three year renewable terms by the Director, with consultation from the IESP staff and faculty.
EAB Annual Meetings
EAB Members Heading link
Weslynne Ashton, PhD
Assistant Professor of Environmental Management and Sustainability
Stuart School of Business, Illinois Institute of Technology
10 West 35th Street, 18th Floor, Chicago, IL 60616
Phone: (312) 906-6517 | Fax: (312) 906-6549
E-mail: washton@iit.edu
Frank Avila, PhD, PE, PLS
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
100 East Erie Street, Suite 209, Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312-751-5620 | Fax: 312-751-5625
E-mail: frank.avila@mwrd.org
Heriberto Cabezas, PhD
Senior Science Advisor, Sustainable Technology Division
National Risk Management Research Lab
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
26 West Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268
Phone: 513-569-7350 | E-mail: cabezas.heriberto@epa.gov
Jennifer B. Dunn, PhD
Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and (by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering
Associate Director, Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience, Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road, Tech L494, Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: 847-467-6285 | E-mail: jennifer.dunn1@northwestern.edu
Walter Kovalick, PhD
8th Avenue Consulting
305 8th Avenue, LaGrange, IL 60525
Phone: 708-218-0099 | E-mail: 8thaveconsulting@gmail.com
Shelie A. Miller, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan
3008 Dana Building, 440 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1041
Phone: 734-763-8646 | E-mail: sheliem@umich.edu
George P. Nassos, PhD
George P. Nassos & Associates Inc.
Phone: 847-927-3526
E-mail: georgepnassos@gmail.com
Jeffery P. Perl, PhD, CHMM
President, Principal Engineer
Chicago Chem Consultants Corporation
Chemical & Environmental Engineers
14 North Peoria Street, Suite 2C, Chicago, IL 60607-2609
Phone: 312-226-2436
E-mail: jefferyperl@chichem.com
Paul D. Robillard, PhD
Executive Director
World Water Watch
3300 NW 185th, # 175, Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 971-777-0077 | E-mail: pdr@worldwaterwatch.org